Horses and other equine patients require veterinarians who specialize in treating them so we are pleased to offer this service in Rexburg, ID and the surrounding communities.
Here at Upper Valley Veterinary Clinic, our veterinarians are able to take care of your prized horses and other equines, whether you show them, breed them, or just love them as pets. Our entire staff is dedicated to our equine patients so that they can have the very best life possible.
Annual Coggins Testing
A Coggins test is a simple blood test that is used to help prevent the spread of Equine Infectious Anemia. It is sent to the laboratory for analysis.
Equine Infectious Anemia is a viral disease that can be deadly. Unfortunately there is no vaccine or cure for it. If a patient survives the disease, they will always carry it and may become sick again if they are stressed. Some horses just seem to be carriers, never getting sick themselves.
Artificial Insemination
We are proud to offer artificial insemination, which can save you time and money. You won’t have to transport your mare to the stallion. Instead, the sperm can be frozen and mailed to you so that we can place it in your mare’s cervix. We are also proud to do embryo transfers so that your mare can still continue to show and train while producing offspring.
Does your trusty mount “eat like a horse” but still lose weight? Does he slobber his grain all over the ground? Does the bit irritate his mouth? Then he may well need some equine dentistry!
A healthy mouth is crucial to the condition and well being of a horse. Equines are like most of the grazers of the earth: they have very long grinding teeth embedded in their gums that slowly grow down into the mouth as they are worn away by the constant chewing of grass or hay. The wear pattern is not always even, so sharp points, hooks, or uneven alignment often occurs. This makes it difficult for the horse to chew properly and can cause sores on the cheeks, gums or tongue.
If their teeth don’t grind up the feed into small enough pieces, the feed often cannot be digested properly. Painful abdominal problems called “colic” can follow, which can be potentially fatal. Weight loss and poor body and coat condition can also result from tooth problems.
A veterinary dental exam checks for many tooth problems. Mild uneven teeth can be “floated” or rasped smooth by special instruments called “dental floats” which is called a “dental balance”. If the teeth have more severe problems such as hooks, or uneven wear conditions called “step mouth” or “wave mouth”, motorized dental tools are used to restore a smooth grinding surface. As you might guess, sedation is usually necessary to get a horse to allow such procedures to be performed. Restraining stocks and special equipment to hold the mouth open are also used.
Young horses often have small teeth left over from their prehistoric ancestors that are called “wolf teeth” because they are much smaller than the horses other teeth and are about the size and shape of a wolf or a large dog’s tooth. They can cause problems in bit training because the bit can pinch the gum up against the wolf tooth causing pain. For this reason these unnecessary teeth are often removed by the veterinarian before training begins. If the other teeth are sharp on the surfaces near the bit, the veterinarian can also smooth out their edges to prevent gum irritation by the bit. This is called a “bit set”.
So to keep your steed in tip-top shape, don’t forget his mouth! He’ll thank you with better use of that expensive feed, less belly aches, and less problems with the bit. He might even give you a big grin and a horse laugh, too!
Upper Valley Veterinary Clinic in Rexburg, ID is ready and able for any equine dental work. If you have questions about our pet dental services, or need to set up an appointment, please give us a call at (208) 356-4271.
Since horses have different vaccination needs, depending on where they live, if they travel, and what they do, we recommend discussing your horse’s vaccination schedule with us. Together we can start a schedule that will work for you and your new horse.
Horses typically don’t get vaccinations until they are several months old, depending on their needs. Some vaccinations are started at four months old and need to be boostered three to four weeks later. Some vaccinations are not given until a horse is five to six months old. Most of these also need to be boostered three to four weeks later.
Horse breeding is a big business and a huge part of our hospital. Our entire staff is dedicated to ensuring a successful breeding and a healthy foal!
Our entire staff is dedicated to equine reproduction. We are proud to be knowledgeable about many aspects of breeding, including heat cycles, artificial insemination, and much more.
Our entire hospital uses the latest technologies to ensure that you can have a successful breeding program. We are constantly learning and growing so that you can have healthy babies, as easily as possible.